How Does AUDIENT Work?
AUDIENT helps provide hearing aids and care at a significantly lower cost than generally found in the marketplace for low income seniors, children, and adults.
AUDIENT Candidate submits application and proof of income:
If documents are complete and within the qualification criterion, the candidate becomes income qualified.
AUDIENT notifies the Hearing Care Provider of the referral:
AUDIENT faxes a Referral Activation to an AUDIENT hearing care provider located near the income-approved candidate.
The AUDIENT hearing care provider then decides if he or she can accept the candidate and replies either "Yes" or "No" by checking the appropriate box and faxing the Referral Activation page back to AUDIENT.
If the answer is "yes," continue with the next step:
AUDIENT Candidate is referred to AUDIENT Provider:
AUDIENT gives the income qualified participant the contact information for the AUDIENT Hearing Care Provider in their area and their income qualified participant Referral ID. The Referral ID should match up with the name on the Referral Activation form.
AUDIENT Candidate makes an appointment for an evaluation with the Hearing Care Provider:
The AUDIENT hearing care provider charges the client directly for the hearing test and evaluation.
AUDIENT Hearing Care Provider faxes Recommendation to AUDIENT:
The recommendation form arrives in the hearing care provider's office together with the Referral Activation. The provider checks off the recommended hearing aids and any add-ons such as manual or automatic telecoils, cros kits, childcare kits, custom ear molds, express mail, etc. The provider signs the first page and faxes the form back to AUDIENT.
AUDIENT collects applicable fees from income qualified hearing aid candidate.
AUDIENT sends AUTHORIZATION TO ORDER to the hearing care provider:
This authorization has a list of the hearing aids and add-ons the hearing care provider is authorized to order through the AUDIENT accounts using a special purchase order number. The form contains all the relevant information. AUDIENT is the "bill-to," and the Hearing Care Provider is the "ship-to." Hearing care providers will need to have "ship-to" accounts to order through AUDIENT accounts. Please contact the supplier to set one up if necessary.
AUDIENT Hearing Care Provider fits hearing aid(s) on hearing aid candidate.
Towards the end of the 30 day trial period:
AUDIENT hearing aid recipient and hearing care provider sign off on the hearing aid(s):
The hearing aid recipient and hearing care provider sign off on the hearing aid(s). Then the AUDIENT Hearing Care Provider faxes the form back to AUDIENT.
AUDIENT will send a check for the AUDIENT fees ($350 for a monaural fit and three follow up visits | $500 for a binaural fit and three follow up visits) to the AUDIENT hearing care provider within 10 days of receiving signed notice that the participant is keeping the hearing aids. See the AUDIENT Provider Participation Agreement (PDF | 33.2 KB) for more details.
If the hearing aids are not beneficial to the participant's hearing loss, the patient can return them in good condition to the AUDIENT hearing care provider who fit them. AUDIENT will refund the full amount the participant paid to AUDIENT. The provider will waive the fee for the fitting and follow up visits.
Updated May 31, 2011